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Stoxradio --- Comes from the Blog

Ladies and gentlemen of Stockcarland. I have some very grave news to tell you

After 5 years, the Stoxblog in its previous guise is dead.

So for those who have been religiously checking in on your phones waiting for the next report on the Jho Stoxblog, well I'm very sorry. In a certain part of Scotland, celebrations are taking place at the cessation of "bad news".

For those who knew what was happening - it's no surprise.

In a case of neglect so bad, that if it was a dog, it would have been taken to Battersea, and you know, dispatched to the Rainbow Bridge, in a bin bag to put it out of its misery. If it was a child, it would be with a new foster parent, and the parents would be in chokey.

But, like Boyzone sang, it's only words. But words aren't all I have, Ronan. I have me voice too!

The last blog post was Easter, and well, after keeping you guys informed of 3 different sets of points, reporting from the meetings. I was exhausted. And, I found out that I was to be a daddy for the first time.

With complications in pregnancy, I found that I didn't have enough time to write the right words, often getting the dreaded writers block, or just a severe bout of couldn't be arsed. I found it easy to open me gob and take it from there.

I took a massive gamble when I started Stoxradio. I could have severely ended up with egg on my face, but when faced with theft of articles, no credit and no creative input, I just thought, sod it let's have a go. I soon created a podcast, with prerecorded elements into a nice little package. I then got the technology to do live broadcasts, from the tracks and from home aswell, including a Tantric like 3 hour spoken word broadcast (even in my previous life as a hospital and student radio deejay, I had records to play if I ran out of things to say!), building up to a big creschendo, and boom, getting it horrifically wrong!

Then after the world final, and then laptop death, I returned with more technology! Live calls to air! Very dangerous.

So hear we are in a new site. The old blog favourites will be continuing on here, and there will be reports of such of the weekends results and the like, and if there is any breaking news, then we shall be bringing it to you in a multimedia style on here, and on our social media channels!

So what does year 2 of Stoxradio bring. More voices, more shows and more fun!

Jho Stoxblog is dead. No flowers. Donations to the Jho beer fund.

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